GENESIS • VAYERA • Bereshit / Genesis 18:1-22:24
We are digging into the deeper themes of Genesis from The Pre-Adamic world, to the Adamic world, through restoring the creation and the planting of the Garden and the fall of man. The World of utter chaos in Genesis 1:2, progressing to the second Paraha of the year, Noach: where the world is quickly plunged in to Chaos through the flood of Noah. Be fruitful and multiply was spoken over Adam and Eve, then over Noah and his family. But soon darkness ensues once again for the Judgment at the Tower of Babel. Chaos and confusion engulfs the world again. Then we meet Abraham, who like Noah begins a "new" covenant with God based on Brit Milah...FIRST BLOOD! Visions of Yitzchak (The seed of Promise), that leads us to Messiah who establishes the eternal Blood Covenant through His death and Resurrection! Join us to study this remarkable story!