KI TAVO: IF YOU LISTEN? The Mountain of Blessing!
WE HAVE A REAL RESPONSABILITY (“TO LISTEN”), AS WE STUDY WEEK 6 OF THE SEVEN MESSAGES OF ISAIAH. The Haftarah portion of KI TAVO (Isaiah 60 :1-22) begins as part of the stern warning of Moses that "will determine how long we live in the land of promise." But, this Torah portion also becomes a Shabbat of Hope as Messiah is nearing the end of His 40 Day Fast in the Wilderness on this Shabbat. He is about to make one of the great turning points of all Time. He has laid down the gauntelet to the adversary and He is heading to His own Hometown to begin the earthly ministry of “Emmanuel, God with us!” It is the Hope of all human hopes. Messiah is on His Way. He is about to “Arise & Shine“ in a time of oppressive darkness. The Light is dawning on the horizon and He is about to change all of History contained in a “temporary place called Time!”